diff --git a/src/main/webapp/app/search/service/search-service.ts b/src/main/webapp/app/search/service/search-service.ts
index e791d3c0457db1e573f339785d70d2d8bbedce2f..8fb2dc0f36d8064ed1bc56d922ffd76355c0a2c1 100644
--- a/src/main/webapp/app/search/service/search-service.ts
+++ b/src/main/webapp/app/search/service/search-service.ts
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ export class SearchService {
     const options: HttpParams = new HttpParams();
     options.append('keyWordPrefix', prefix);
     return this.http.get<Array<string>>(this.resourceProgrammingLanguageAutoCompleteDetails, {
-      params: new HttpParams().set('progammingLanguagePrefix', prefix),
+      params: new HttpParams().set('programmingLanguagePrefix', prefix),
diff --git a/src/main/webapp/app/teaserContent/teaserContent.component.ts b/src/main/webapp/app/teaserContent/teaserContent.component.ts
index 8b295c6c2118052fef01624ff080b7d51fd4723a..d122693d8db0525d19c782b97ea9cc9102ff6e97 100644
--- a/src/main/webapp/app/teaserContent/teaserContent.component.ts
+++ b/src/main/webapp/app/teaserContent/teaserContent.component.ts
@@ -5,46 +5,40 @@ import { SearchService } from 'app/search/service/search-service';
   selector: 'jhi-teaser-content',
   templateUrl: './teaserContent.component.html',
-  styleUrls: ['./teaserContent.component.scss']
+  styleUrls: ['./teaserContent.component.scss'],
 export class TeaserContentComponent implements OnInit {
   public keywords: Array<String> = new Array<String>();
   public contributors: Array<String> = new Array<String>();
   public programmingLanguages: Array<String> = new Array<String>();
-  constructor(
-    private searchService: SearchService
-	) { }
+  constructor(private searchService: SearchService) {}
   ngOnInit(): void {
-	this.searchService.getKeywordsAutoComplete('')
-		 .subscribe(
-			        (data: Array<string>) => {
-						this.keywords = data;
-			          }
-			        ,
-			        () => {alert("Initializiation of keywords failed");}
-			      );
-	this.searchService.getProgrammingLanguageAutoComplete('')
-		 .subscribe(
-			        (data: Array<string>) => {
-						this.programmingLanguages = data;
-			          }
-			        ,
-			        () => {alert("Initializiation of programming languages failed");}
-			      );
-	this.searchService.getContributorAutoComplete('')
-		 .subscribe(
-			        (data: Array<string>) => {
-						this.contributors = data;
-			          }
-			        ,
-			        () => {alert("Initializiation of contributors failed");}
-			      );
+    this.searchService.getKeywordsAutoComplete('').subscribe(
+      (data: Array<string>) => {
+        this.keywords = data;
+      },
+      () => {
+        alert('Initialization of keywords failed');
+      }
+    );
+    this.searchService.getProgrammingLanguageAutoComplete('').subscribe(
+      (data: Array<string>) => {
+        this.programmingLanguages = data;
+      },
+      () => {
+        alert('Initialization of programming languages failed');
+      }
+    );
+    this.searchService.getContributorAutoComplete('').subscribe(
+      (data: Array<string>) => {
+        this.contributors = data;
+      },
+      () => {
+        alert('Initialization of contributors failed');
+      }
+    );