import { browser, element, by, ExpectedConditions as ec } from 'protractor'; import { NavBarPage, SignInPage, PasswordPage, SettingsPage } from '../page-objects/jhi-page-objects'; const expect = chai.expect; describe('account', () => { let navBarPage: NavBarPage; let signInPage: SignInPage; const username = process.env.E2E_USERNAME ?? 'admin'; const password = process.env.E2E_PASSWORD ?? 'search@admin'; let passwordPage: PasswordPage; let settingsPage: SettingsPage; before(async () => { await browser.get('/'); navBarPage = new NavBarPage(true); }); it('should fail to login with bad password', async () => { signInPage = await navBarPage.getSignInPage(); await signInPage.autoSignInUsing(username, 'foo'); const expect2 = 'login.messages.error.authentication'; const value2 = await element(by.css('.alert-danger')).getAttribute('jhiTranslate'); expect(value2).to.eq(expect2); }); it('should login successfully with admin account', async () => { await browser.get('/'); signInPage = await navBarPage.getSignInPage(); await signInPage.autoSignInUsing(username, password); const expect2 = 'home.logged.message'; await browser.wait(ec.visibilityOf(element('home-logged-message')))); const value2 = await element('home-logged-message')).getAttribute('jhiTranslate'); expect(value2).to.eq(expect2); }); it('should be able to update settings', async () => { await navBarPage.clickOnAccountMenu(); settingsPage = await navBarPage.getSettingsPage(); const expect1 = 'settings.title'; const value1 = await settingsPage.getTitle(); expect(value1).to.eq(expect1); await; await browser.sleep(500); const expect2 = 'settings.messages.success'; const alert = element(by.css('.alert-success')); const value2 = await alert.getAttribute('jhiTranslate'); expect(value2).to.eq(expect2); }); it('should fail to update password when using incorrect current password', async () => { passwordPage = await navBarPage.getPasswordPage(); expect(await passwordPage.getTitle()).to.eq('password.title'); await passwordPage.setCurrentPassword('wrong_current_password'); await passwordPage.setPassword('new_password'); await passwordPage.setConfirmPassword('new_password'); await; const expect2 = 'password.messages.error'; const alert = element(by.css('.alert-danger')); const value2 = await alert.getAttribute('jhiTranslate'); expect(value2).to.eq(expect2); settingsPage = await navBarPage.getSettingsPage(); }); it('should be able to update password', async () => { passwordPage = await navBarPage.getPasswordPage(); expect(await passwordPage.getTitle()).to.eq('password.title'); await passwordPage.setCurrentPassword(password); await passwordPage.setPassword('newpassword'); await passwordPage.setConfirmPassword('newpassword'); await; const successMsg = 'password.messages.success'; const alert = element(by.css('.alert-success')); const alertValue = await alert.getAttribute('jhiTranslate'); expect(alertValue).to.eq(successMsg); await navBarPage.autoSignOut(); signInPage = await navBarPage.getSignInPage(); await signInPage.autoSignInUsing(username, 'newpassword'); // change back to default await navBarPage.clickOnPasswordMenu(); expect(await passwordPage.getTitle()).to.eq('password.title'); await passwordPage.setCurrentPassword('newpassword'); await passwordPage.setPassword(password); await passwordPage.setConfirmPassword(password); await; // wait for success message const alertValue2 = await alert.getAttribute('jhiTranslate'); expect(alertValue2).to.eq(successMsg); }); it('should navigate to 404 not found error page on non existing route and show user own navbar if valid authentication exists', async () => { // don't sign out and refresh page with non existing route await browser.get('/this-is-link-to-non-existing-page'); // should navigate to 404 not found page const url = await browser.getCurrentUrl(); expect(url).to.endWith('404'); // as user is admin then should show admin menu to user await navBarPage.clickOnAdminMenu(); }); after(async () => { await navBarPage.autoSignOut(); }); });