import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core'; import { SearchService, AutoCompletionEntry } from 'app/search/service/search-service'; import { CloudData, CloudOptions } from 'angular-tag-cloud-module'; import Color from 'ts-color-class'; import { Router } from '@angular/router'; @Component({ selector: 'jhi-teaser-content', templateUrl: './teaserContent.component.html', styleUrls: ['./teaserContent.component.scss'], }) export class TeaserContentComponent implements OnInit { public keywords: Array<AutoCompletionEntry> = new Array<AutoCompletionEntry>(); public contributors: Array<AutoCompletionEntry> = new Array<AutoCompletionEntry>(); public programmingLanguages: Array<AutoCompletionEntry> = new Array<AutoCompletionEntry>(); options: CloudOptions = { overflow: false, zoomOnHover: { scale: 1.1, transitionTime: 0.5 }, // width: 1, // height: 800, }; public keywordCloudData: CloudData[] = []; public contributorCloudData: CloudData[] = []; public programmingLanguageCloudData: CloudData[] = []; constructor(private searchService: SearchService, private router: Router) {} ngOnInit(): void { this.searchService.getKeywordsAutoComplete('').subscribe( (data: Array<AutoCompletionEntry>) => { this.keywords = data; this.keywordCloudData = []; this.keywords.forEach(kw => this.keywordCloudData.push({ text:, weight: Math.min(kw.hitCount.valueOf(), 10), color: this.randomColor(new Color('#ffaaee'), new Color('#440000')).getHex(), }) ); }, () => { alert('Initialization of keywords failed'); } ); this.searchService.getProgrammingLanguageAutoComplete('').subscribe( (data: Array<AutoCompletionEntry>) => { this.programmingLanguages = data; this.programmingLanguageCloudData = []; this.programmingLanguages.forEach(pl => this.programmingLanguageCloudData.push({ text:, weight: Math.min(pl.hitCount.valueOf(), 10), color: this.randomColor(new Color('#2222ff'), new Color('#004444')).getHex(), }) ); }, () => { alert('Initialization of programming languages failed'); } ); this.searchService.getContributorCreatorAutoComplete('').subscribe( (data: Array<AutoCompletionEntry>) => { this.contributors = data; this.contributorCloudData = []; this.contributors.forEach(pl => this.contributorCloudData.push({ text:, weight: Math.min(pl.hitCount.valueOf(), 10), color: this.randomColor(new Color('#aaff44'), new Color('#004400')).getHex(), }) ); }, () => { alert('Initialization of contributors failed'); } ); } onKeywordClick(event: CloudData): void { this.clickKeyword(event.text); } onProgrammingLanguageClick(event: CloudData): void { this.clickLanguage(event.text); } onContributorClick(event: CloudData): void { this.clickContributor(event.text); } clickLanguage(programmingLanguage: String): void { this.router.navigate(['/search'], { queryParams: { pl: programmingLanguage } }); } clickContributor(contributor: String): void { this.router.navigate(['/search'], { queryParams: { a: contributor } }); } clickKeyword(keyWord: String): void { this.router.navigate(['/search'], { queryParams: { kw: keyWord } }); } private randomColor(main: Color, deviation: Color): Color { const upperBound = new Color( Math.min(main.getRed() + deviation.getRed(), 255), Math.min(main.getGreen() + deviation.getGreen(), 255), Math.min(main.getBlue() + deviation.getBlue(), 255) ); const target = new Color( Math.max(Math.round(upperBound.getRed() - 2 * deviation.getRed() * Math.random()), 0), Math.max(Math.round(upperBound.getGreen() - 2 * deviation.getGreen() * Math.random()), 0), Math.max(Math.round(upperBound.getBlue() - 2 * deviation.getBlue() * Math.random()), 0) ); return target; } }