## How to use JHCC docker compose # To allow JHCC to reach JHipster application from a docker container note that we set the host as host.docker.internal # To reach the application from a browser, you need to add ' host.docker.internal' to your hosts file. ### Discovery mode # JHCC support 3 kinds of discovery mode: Consul, Eureka and static # In order to use one, please set SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE to one (and only one) of this values: consul,eureka,static ### Discovery properties # According to the discovery mode choose as Spring profile, you have to set the right properties # please note that current properties are set to run JHCC with default values, personalize them if needed # and remove those from other modes. You can only have one mode active. #### Eureka # - EUREKA_CLIENT_SERVICE_URL_DEFAULTZONE=http://admin:admin@host.docker.internal:8761/eureka/ #### Consul # - SPRING_CLOUD_CONSUL_HOST=host.docker.internal # - SPRING_CLOUD_CONSUL_PORT=8500 #### Static # Add instances to "MyApp" # - SPRING_CLOUD_DISCOVERY_CLIENT_SIMPLE_INSTANCES_MYAPP_0_URI=http://host.docker.internal:8081 # - SPRING_CLOUD_DISCOVERY_CLIENT_SIMPLE_INSTANCES_MYAPP_1_URI=http://host.docker.internal:8082 # Or add a new application named MyNewApp # - SPRING_CLOUD_DISCOVERY_CLIENT_SIMPLE_INSTANCES_MYNEWAPP_0_URI=http://host.docker.internal:8080 # This configuration is intended for development purpose, it's **your** responsibility to harden it for production #### IMPORTANT # If you choose Consul or Eureka mode: # Do not forget to remove the prefix "" in front of their port in order to expose them. # This is required because JHCC need to communicate with Consul or Eureka. # - In Consul mode, the ports are in the consul.yml file. # - In Eureka mode, the ports are in the jhipster-registry.yml file. version: '3.8' services: jhipster-control-center: image: 'jhipster/jhipster-control-center:v0.5.0' command: - /bin/sh - -c # Patch /etc/hosts to support resolving host.docker.internal to the internal IP address used by the host in all OSes - echo "`ip route | grep default | cut -d ' ' -f3` host.docker.internal" | tee -a /etc/hosts > /dev/null && java -jar /jhipster-control-center.jar environment: - _JAVA_OPTIONS=-Xmx512m -Xms256m - SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE=prod,api-docs,static - JHIPSTER_SLEEP=30 # gives time for other services to boot before the application - SPRING_SECURITY_USER_PASSWORD=admin # The token should have the same value than the one declared in you Spring configuration under the jhipster.security.authentication.jwt.base64-secret configuration's entry - JHIPSTER_SECURITY_AUTHENTICATION_JWT_BASE64_SECRET=ZTY3OGIwZWZhMzdhYTQ2NjAwNTdlNDQ2NWM4YjQyMzlhMWVkMTJlYTExYzMwMzBjOWIzM2E1OTRmZWZkZmYzYzZhNWQ5N2EzZjMyNTFkMjM0ZjNmOWRhYTYzNGEzZDE3NThkYTNmZGVmNTQ1MmRlZjg1YWY4NTU4OGVmNDBkZDI= - SPRING_CLOUD_DISCOVERY_CLIENT_SIMPLE_INSTANCES_GITSEARCH_0_URI=http://host.docker.internal:8080 - LOGGING_FILE_NAME=/tmp/jhipster-control-center.log # If you want to expose these ports outside your dev PC, # remove the "" prefix ports: -