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global.json 6.37 KiB
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Lukas Kaltenbrunner's avatar
Lukas Kaltenbrunner committed
  "global": {
Michael Breu's avatar
Michael Breu committed
    "title": "CodeAbility Sharing Platform",
Lukas Kaltenbrunner's avatar
Lukas Kaltenbrunner committed
    "browsehappy": "You are using an <strong>outdated</strong> browser. Please <a href=\"\">upgrade your browser</a> to improve your experience.",
    "menu": {
      "home": "Home",
      "jhipster-needle-menu-add-element": "JHipster will add additional menu entries here (do not translate!)",
      "entities": {
        "main": "Entities",
        "userWatchList": "User Watch List",
        "watchListEntry": "Watch List Entry",
        "savedSearches": "Saved Searches",
Lukas Kaltenbrunner's avatar
Lukas Kaltenbrunner committed
        "jhipster-needle-menu-add-entry": "JHipster will add additional entities here (do not translate!)"
      "account": {
        "main": "Account",
        "settings": "Settings",
        "settingsDescription": "Manage your user settings",
Lukas Kaltenbrunner's avatar
Lukas Kaltenbrunner committed
        "password": "Password",
        "passwordDescription": "Change your password",
Lukas Kaltenbrunner's avatar
Lukas Kaltenbrunner committed
        "sessions": "Sessions",
        "login": "Sign in",
        "loginViaGitLab": "Sign in via GitLab",
Lukas Kaltenbrunner's avatar
Lukas Kaltenbrunner committed
        "logout": "Sign out",
        "logoutDescription": "Quit session.",
Lukas Kaltenbrunner's avatar
Lukas Kaltenbrunner committed
        "register": "Register"
      "admin": {
        "main": "Administration",
        "userManagement": "User management",
        "tracker": "User tracker",
        "metrics": "Metrics",
        "health": "Health",
        "configuration": "Configuration",
        "logs": "Logs",
        "audits": "Audits",
        "apidocs": "API",
        "database": "Database",
        "jhipster-needle-menu-add-admin-element": "JHipster will add additional menu entries here (do not translate!)"
Lukas Kaltenbrunner's avatar
Lukas Kaltenbrunner committed
      "language": "Language",
      "search": "Search",
      "bookmarks": "Bookmarks"
Lukas Kaltenbrunner's avatar
Lukas Kaltenbrunner committed
    "form": {
      "username.label": "Username",
      "username.placeholder": "Your username",
      "currentpassword.label": "Current password",
      "currentpassword.placeholder": "Current password",
      "newpassword.label": "New password",
      "newpassword.placeholder": "New password",
      "confirmpassword.label": "New password confirmation",
      "confirmpassword.placeholder": "Confirm the new password",
      "email.label": "Email",
      "email.placeholder": "Your email"
    "footer": {
      "imprint": "Imprint",
      "about": "About codeAbility",
      "privacy": "Privacy"
Lukas Kaltenbrunner's avatar
Lukas Kaltenbrunner committed
    "messages": {
      "info": {
        "sharing.platform": "The CodeAbility Sharing Platform provides an infrastructure that enables the exchange of learning content in the field of programming. The content includes programming exercises, lecture materials, and collections of links on all topics related to the acquisition of programming skills. This search engine provides a quick and easy way for users to search for content published on the sharing platform. The search results can be further restricted by various filter options such as licenses, programming languages, and authors.",
        "prototype": "Please, notice that this is a prototype!",
        "registration.disabled": "Registration of new users is currently disabled. Please, contact the administrator if you want to test the system.",
Lukas Kaltenbrunner's avatar
Lukas Kaltenbrunner committed
        "authenticated": {
          "prefix": "If you want to ",
          "link": "sign in",
          "suffix": ", you can try the default accounts:<br/>- Administrator (login=\"admin\" and password=\"admin\") <br/>- User (login=\"user\" and password=\"user\")."
        "register": {
          "noaccount": "You don't have an account yet?",
          "link": "Register a new account"
      "error": {
        "dontmatch": "The password and its confirmation do not match!"
      "validate": {
        "newpassword": {
          "required": "Your password is required.",
          "minlength": "Your password is required to be at least 4 characters.",
          "maxlength": "Your password cannot be longer than 50 characters.",
          "strength": "Password strength:"
        "confirmpassword": {
          "required": "Your confirmation password is required.",
          "minlength": "Your confirmation password is required to be at least 4 characters.",
          "maxlength": "Your confirmation password cannot be longer than 50 characters."
        "email": {
          "required": "Your email is required.",
          "invalid": "Your email is invalid.",
          "minlength": "Your email is required to be at least 5 characters.",
          "maxlength": "Your email cannot be longer than 50 characters."
    "field": {
      "id": "ID"
    "ribbon": {
      "dev": "Development"
    "item-count": "Showing {{first}} - {{second}} of {{total}} items."
  "entity": {
    "action": {
      "addblob": "Add blob",
      "addimage": "Add image",
      "back": "Back",
      "cancel": "Cancel",
      "delete": "Delete",
      "edit": "Edit",
      "open": "Open",
      "save": "Save",
      "view": "View"
    "detail": {
      "field": "Field",
      "value": "Value"
    "delete": {
      "title": "Confirm delete operation"
    "validation": {
      "required": "This field is required.",
      "minlength": "This field is required to be at least {{ min }} characters.",
      "maxlength": "This field cannot be longer than {{ max }} characters.",
      "min": "This field should be at least {{ min }}.",
      "max": "This field cannot be more than {{ max }}.",
      "minbytes": "This field should be at least {{ min }} bytes.",
      "maxbytes": "This field cannot be more than {{ max }} bytes.",
      "pattern": "This field should follow pattern for {{ pattern }}.",
      "number": "This field should be a number.",
      "datetimelocal": "This field should be a date and time.",
      "patternLogin": "This field can only contain letters, digits and e-mail addresses."
  "error": {
    "internalServerError": "Internal server error",
    "server.not.reachable": "Server not reachable",
    "url.not.found": "Not found",
    "NotNull": "Field {{ fieldName }} cannot be empty!",
    "Size": "Field {{ fieldName }} does not meet min/max size requirements!",
    "userexists": "Login name already used!",
    "emailexists": "Email is already in use!",
    "idexists": "A new {{ entityName }} cannot already have an ID",
    "idnull": "Invalid ID",
    "file": {
      "could.not.extract": "Could not extract file",
      "not.image": "File was expected to be an image but was found to be \"{{ fileType }}\""
Lukas Kaltenbrunner's avatar
Lukas Kaltenbrunner committed