"to be deleted": "redundant to review.json",
"title": "Create a new review",
"selectUsers": "Select users",
"selectExercise": "Select exercise",
"button": "Create",
"resource": "Resource",
"user": "User",
"requested": "Review Requested",
"rewarded": "Badge Rewarded",
"rewardBadge": "Reward Badge",
"exerciseName": "Enter exercise name",
"userEmail": "Enter user email",
"requestedReviewsByOther": "Requested Reviews by Others",
"requestedReviewsByMe": "My Requested Reviews",
"selectResourceToBeReviewed": "Select resource to be reviewed by peers",
"pleaseRegister": "Please register yourself as a reviewer if you want others to review your resources.",
"resourceImproved": "Resource Improved",
"resourceDelete": "Delete Request",
"noReview": "No review found",
"createRequest": "Create a new review request",
"noResourcesOne": "No resources with publisher ",
"noResourcesTwo": " found. Check if you have already shared resources.",
"public": "Don't forget to make your resource publicly accessible so that every reviewer can access your resource and verify it.",
"sendRequest": "Send Request",
"editReview": "Edit Review",

Eduard Frankford
"characters": "Characters remaining: ",

Michael Breu
"save": "Save",
"peerReviewed": "Peer reviewed",
"clarity": "Clarity and Understandability",
"clarityQuestion1": "Is the task clear and understandable?",
"clarityQuestion2": "Are the requirements and objectives of the task clearly stated?",
"completeness": "Completeness",
"completenessQuestion1": "Are all necessary information available?",
"completenessQuestion2": "Are all necessary files available?",
"format": "Format and Structure",
"formatQuestion1": "Is the task description well-structured and organized?",
"formatQuestion2": "Are the steps or sub-tasks clearly defined?",
"validity": "Validity and Correctness",
"validityQuestion1": "Are the requirements and objectives of the task achievable?",
"requirements": "Requirements and Metadata",
"requirementsQuestion1": "Is the metadata correctly and completely filled out?",
"requirementsQuestion2": "Does the metadata contain all relevant information about the task?",
"reviewInProgress": "Review In Progress",
"improvementsRequested": "Improvements Requested",
"reviewRejected": "Review Rejected",
"reviewCompleted": "Review Completed",
"REVIEW_IN_PROGRESS": "Review In Progress",
"IMPROVEMENTS_REQUESTED": "Improvements Requested",
"REVIEW_REJECTED": "Review Rejected",
"REVIEW_COMPLETED": "Review Completed",
"REVIEW_IMPROVED": "Exercise improved",
"askQuestion": "Chat with creator",
"askReviewers": "Chat with reviewers",
"send": "Send",
"typeMessage": "Type your message for everybody here...",
"back": "Back"