Select Git revision
- Branches 19
- 567-diverse-bug-fixes-fur-sharing-connector-artemis
- development default protected
- 567-linkansicht-von-exercise-enthalt-keine-actions
- master protected
- 524-sharing-import-export-errors
- 501-sharing-plattform-prufung-gitlab-login-fur-simon-in-produktion-funktioniert-nicht-zuverlassig
- 489-docker-infrastruktur-startup-probleme-von-sharing-plattform-und-keycloak-beheben
- 532-wenn-jwt-token-korrupt-sollte-kein-403-fehler-geworfen-werden-sondern-sauber-ruckgemeldet
- 465-rebased-tokeycloak
- 505-edu-sharing-weitere-probleme
- remove_keycloak_backup
- 517-sharing-group-teacher-is-not-acknowledge-for-access
- 487-git-verzeichnis-auf-den-vms-prufen-ci-anpassen
- 469-rebased-to-460
- 437-prufung-auf-permissionchanges-2
- fix/add-repackaging-for-artemis-exports
- gitlab_communication
- ConnectorAPI
- forum_system
- Tags 6
- 202109SeptemberRelease
- v1.2
- v1.0.0RC2
- v1.0.0RC1
- v1.0.0RC0
- Staging210303
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Administrator root
Adrian Bracher adrianmbracher
Alexander Meschtscherjakov amesch
Andrea Mussmann andreamm
Andreas Merckel andbmme
Anne Münzner AnneMuenzner
Claudia Steinberger csteinbe
Clemens Sauerwein clesau
Daniel Bastta daniel.bastta
Daniel Crazzolara dancraz
Daniel Rainer danielrainer
Daniela Stefanics dani
David Camhy camhy
Eduard Frankford eduard.frankford
Harald Oezelt hoezelt
Harald Victor Schweiger c7031289
Helge Hagenauer helge.hagenauer
Iris Groher iris.groher
Joanna Chimiak-Opoka joanna.opoka
Johannes Karrer joka22
- Feb 08, 2021
Extract exercise cards into their own component · d09ce59eDaniel Rainer authored
Exercise cards are useful in multiple places, so they should be displayable by an independent component. The CSS for making the cards have the correct width and height is very finicky and took a long time to get to work. The current styling should be refactored.